By O. Khodjo
Welcome to mis-translations and mis-interpretation
Stop preaching what you don’t know, Many Pastors preach in the pulpit that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute whiles they cant even prove it, because they heard this when they were young from Sunday school, they grow up with it and deliver the same message, ask yourself how many Pastors do study the word of God. Christendom has a problem or else I wouldn’t have been here. All liars will have their part in the lake of fire. So we need to be careful of the twisted messages we deliver to the congregation.
Most at times preachers get angry when you try to correct them. I pray for more knowledge and wisdom to enable us fish out the deep things of GOD.
Mary Magdalene was a woman from whom Jesus cast out seven demons Luke 8:2. The name Magdalene likely indicates that she came from Magdala, a city on the southwest coast of the Sea of Galilee. After Jesus cast seven demons from her, she became one of His followers.
Mary Magdalene has been associated with the "woman in the city who was a sinner" Luke 7:37 who washed Jesus' feet, but there is no scriptural basis for this. The city of Magdala did have a reputation for prostitution. This information, coupled with the fact that Luke first mentions Mary Magdalene immediately following his account of the sinful woman Luke 7:36-50, has led some to equate the two women. John 11:2, however, identifies the women in Luke 7:36-50 as Mary of Bethany, not Mary Magdalene.
Mary Magdalene is also often associated with the woman whom Jesus saved from stoning after she had been taken in adultery John 8:1-11. But again this is an association with no evidence. The movie “The Passion of the Christ” made this connection. This view is possible, but not likely and certainly not taught in the Bible.
Mary Magdalene was present at the mock trial of Jesus; Mary Magdalene witnessed most of the events surrounding the crucifixion she heard Pontius Pilate pronounce the death sentence; and she saw Jesus beaten and humiliated by the soldiers. She was one of the women who stood near Jesus during the crucifixion to try to comfort Him. The earliest witness to the resurrection of Jesus, she was sent by Jesus to tell the others John 20:11-18. I think this is the last mention of her in the Bible from my research, it is very likely she was probably among the women who gathered with the apostles to await the promised coming of the Holy Spirit Acts 1:14: this could be true because she was very close associate with Jesus and the Apostles. For cultural (rules of the land) sake she wasn’t mentioned.
“The DaVinci Code” movie/novel fiction makes the claim that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married. The Bible does not even hint at such an idea. Some of the non-biblical early Christian writings hint at a special relationship between Mary Magdalene and Jesus. However, there is no evidence whatsoever to support the belief that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married... This is why I don’t rely on early Christian history for my research, if we do accept those history then we should accept that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene. So theologians should watch out when they come up with history to back up their interpretation up. The “The DaVinci Code” is just an assumption because the bible does not hit on it. Let’s call it BOGUS! Nkwaseasem!!
Mary Magdalene has been associated with the "woman in the city who was a sinner" Luke 7:37 who washed Jesus' feet, but there is no scriptural basis for this. The city of Magdala did have a reputation for prostitution. This information, coupled with the fact that Luke first mentions Mary Magdalene immediately following his account of the sinful woman Luke 7:36-50, has led some to equate the two women. John 11:2, however, identifies the women in Luke 7:36-50 as Mary of Bethany, not Mary Magdalene.
Mary Magdalene is also often associated with the woman whom Jesus saved from stoning after she had been taken in adultery John 8:1-11. But again this is an association with no evidence. The movie “The Passion of the Christ” made this connection. This view is possible, but not likely and certainly not taught in the Bible.
Mary Magdalene was present at the mock trial of Jesus; Mary Magdalene witnessed most of the events surrounding the crucifixion she heard Pontius Pilate pronounce the death sentence; and she saw Jesus beaten and humiliated by the soldiers. She was one of the women who stood near Jesus during the crucifixion to try to comfort Him. The earliest witness to the resurrection of Jesus, she was sent by Jesus to tell the others John 20:11-18. I think this is the last mention of her in the Bible from my research, it is very likely she was probably among the women who gathered with the apostles to await the promised coming of the Holy Spirit Acts 1:14: this could be true because she was very close associate with Jesus and the Apostles. For cultural (rules of the land) sake she wasn’t mentioned.
“The DaVinci Code” movie/novel fiction makes the claim that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married. The Bible does not even hint at such an idea. Some of the non-biblical early Christian writings hint at a special relationship between Mary Magdalene and Jesus. However, there is no evidence whatsoever to support the belief that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married... This is why I don’t rely on early Christian history for my research, if we do accept those history then we should accept that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene. So theologians should watch out when they come up with history to back up their interpretation up. The “The DaVinci Code” is just an assumption because the bible does not hit on it. Let’s call it BOGUS! Nkwaseasem!!
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